
Who loves data? ... I can't hear you! Who loves data? Everyone loves data, and the Government has lots of it. In this case, I'm referring to the Government of Canada. Celebrating its one year anniversary, the Open Data Pilot Project is, well, one  year old now.  I would like to thank David Eaves for promoting it via his blog (Sharing ideas about;

This is a very large topic; it is too large to cover in a single blog post. Instead, I'll share what I've done yesterday and today playing with the dataset named " Portal Catalogue".

I'm sure it will be fixed soon enough, but the file itself seemed to have character encoding problems. It is in the "latin1" character set, but has unicode characters crammed into it. This caused me hours of grief over two days to diagnose and fix it into something that displayed mostly correct. If you are a MySQL user (or any SQL), this basic utf-8 SQL file should save you the time of trying to import and convert it. (830KB zip file, 11.5MB expanded)

SQL format was only an intermediary for my plans. As a test, I wanted to load this simple dataset into Solr for searching. You can try the result here:

Government of Canada Open Data Solr Search* v0.1

This does little more than the current Open Data search so far. In order of complexity and infeasibility, the improvements could include:

  • Search filtering by category, date, etc.
    • It would be similar to filtering auction in Ebay, by clicking links on the left side to refine your search
  • Advanced search
    • You could search only the French Description field, for example
  • Modifications to relevance searching (by popularity), spellchecking, etc.
    • Popular datasets would appear at the top of the search results, for example
  • Full text search over the entire contents of every dataset
    • You can search "Silvicultural", for example, and find dataset 645C42BA-5DC3-412E-AA3C-E37995354CB8, but searching "Clearcutting" (or "coupe à blanc") would also find this dataset, if the .csv file for the dataset was keyword indexed too

Being able to filter by category or date is not possible yet, since the fields do not exist. It would be nice to have  "Date Added" field to indicate when the dataset first appeared on, so that newly added datasets could be noticed easily. That would be in addition to adding "Subject Area",  "Creator", and many other fields.

Other issues and questions arise working with this data, which I'll save that for another time.

If you try it out the MySQL table or Solr search, please leave comments with your feedback, questions or errors.

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Today I am testing the CiviCRM 4.1 beta 3 release on WordPress.  On WordPress, you may ask? For those who are already CiviCRM users, you may be as surprised as I was to see it becoming available as a WordPress plugin. Until recently, you could only run it on Drupal or Joomla. You can read the CiviCRM blog for more information about CiviCRM 4.1 beta 3.

I'm running on Windows 7 right now for kicking the tires, as it were. I had to do a couple small changes to get it going, so I am sharing them below:

1. Writable directories and files

On the WordPress Installation Guide for CiviCRM 4.1, you'll see the error mentioned "The user account used by your web-server needs to be granted write access to the following directory..." and a link to the CiviCRM forums. The suggested fix to change the read-only flag on the directories and files did not work for me, using the GUI or command line on Windows 7 (as administrator or not as administrator).

The workaround that allowed me to continue was to comment out the checking for writable directories in the /plugins/civicrm/civicrm/install/index.php lines 368 to 370:

        foreach ( $writableDirectories as $dir ) {
            /*$this->requireWriteable( CIVICRM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir,
                array("File permissions", "Is the $dir folder writeable?", null ),
                true );*/

2. Fix an HTTP Error 500 Internal Server Error

I clicked the CiviCRM install button and everything seemed to be running. But, clicking "CiviCRM" on the sidebar, I got an HTTP 500 error. Uh oh. Nothing specific was mentioned in the web server logs as to why. After some trial and error, I fixed it by editing the civicrm.settings.php file. $civicrm_root and CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR variables. They had a mixture of forward slashes, backslashes and double backslashes in the paths. Once I changed them all to single forward slashes, I could reach CiviCRM. My example below:

global $civicrm_root;

$civicrm_root = 'D:/www/wordpress/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/';
'D:/www/wordpress/public_html/wp-content/plugins/files/civicrm/templates_c/' );




Blog search using Solr

Posted In: PHP, Solr, Web, Wordpress by graham

I'm speaking at WordCamp Victoria - January 14, 2012 - University of Victoria

Update January 16, 2012: Thanks to those who attended the presentation at Wordcamp. I have uploaded a revised set of presentation slides in PDF format that includes screen captures of the demonstration portions. If anyone has more questions, please leave comments on this post and I will try and answer them. blog-search-using-solr (PDF; 1.8 MB)

Update January 2012:  I am pleased to be presenting "Blog Search Using Solr" at Wordcamp Victoria 2012. As of today there may still be tickets available, so hurry and get yours now if you haven't already. See you there!

Original topic description: If you discover the default search in WordPress is too basic, you may benefit from installing a Solr for WordPress plugin. Enabling the power of the Lucene searching engine implemented in the Solr server sounds daunting, even to me. The search technology used by Digg, Netflix and Acquia (and others: could be yours. As a result of using it, you will discover whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Features like faceted search, keyword highlighting, and more are just the start. Once you see the plugin in action, you will understand the untapped search potential it provides.

You will find this blog using Solr for WordPress right now, and it is still a work in progress (so hopefully it still works when you try it).


Each day, more computer users will free themselves from the PC*. Predictions are for the death of the PC, though in this weeks Apple WWDC 2011 keynote with the introduction of iCloud it has only been demoted and yet killed. I say the PC will never be dead, for some.

This freeing trend is twofold: taking the computing power and connectivity mobile, and liberating the data to external storage. Cloud is the fashionable term for this (cloud is a slight misnomer, but let's keep it simple). You can be partly mobile, and slightly cloudy, but some of us cannot completely unshackle ourselves from the PC platform. Why? Because the mobile devices and applications still can't do it all.

If you're a computer amateur or novice, ComputerLight may suit all your needs. If you don't use a computer at work, you may use one as an amateur for email, video calling, or a digital camera. Novices are those who use a computer at work, but only send emails and write reports. In short, you really don't do much computing, and you don't need a PC (except for the larger screen and full size keyboard benefits).

But there are some of us who are still tied, and probably will be forever tied, to the PC. The list of who this applies to is seemingly endless. Here is the question: for each task you do, if the answer is no, you'll never be free of the PC:

Q. Is there an app for that?

No app? Sorry, you're not free yet. You build apps? Then you'll never be free from the PC, and it will live on.

* The PC I refer to is any stationary computer inhabiting a home or office, and jealousy locks files into its boxy confines. This definition of a PC paints Windows and Mac machines with the same brush.

P.S. For all the readers of my blog, who I imagine I can count with the fingers on one hand, I plan to be a more active blogger in the future. To encourage me, leave a comment so the spammers are not alone in the comments approval list.


Tasked with importing thousands of records from a different product into CiviCRM software, I dragged my feet. I was not looking forward to the learning curve and time required to fully understand the import procedure and how to do it error free.

To test and clean the data without messing with the live CiviCRM installation, I created a separate Drupal+CiviCRM installation to test on.

If your data is unique or complex, importing will not be easy, regardless of the type of software. I was supplied a CSV export file, that I edited in Microsoft Excel and imported into CiviCRM 3.1.4. I could write an entire chapter on cleaning the data and planning the data import, so I will not enter into that here. In short, about the CiviCRM Import Contacts feature I found:


  • Custom data fields, with multiple values for each field, can be imported in one step from a CSV file.
  • You can create a group for each set of imported data, which allows you to view or delete the data you just imported.
  • Relationships between and Organization and a Person can be made easily enough, using matching rules.


  • The speed at which contact imports occur is slow.
  • The fragility of the import procedure.

Now, more about my dislikes. Regarding the import speed, I'm sure in subsequent versions of CiviCRM this will be improved. What CiviCRM lacks in import speed it makes up for in the vast amount of import features, such as the saving of import field mapping, creation of a group on import, the checking for data errors, and checking for duplicate records.

Regarding the fragility of the import procedure, there could be some trial and error required in order to get your data to import just right. I will address some specific problems I found that are not so straightforward to discover.

1. Strange characters

The result of this example of a "strange" character was that CiviCRM stopped the import of the file on the line directly before this row. Suggested fix: change the character in your data to something acceptable.

CiviCRM import does not like strange characters

2. Rows missing fields

For some reason some rows in the data I was given was missing cells at the end of rows. Excel will not give you any indication the cells are missing, and it took a trick to get Excel to recognize and save them. You will only see the missing fields if you open the CSV file in a text editor, like TextPad, you will see:

CiviCRM import does not like missing fields

The absence of commas at the end of the last two lines shows indications that fields are missing in your CSV file. To fix this, I created a new column in Excel named "Junk", and inserted a space into each cell in that column (use the fill down feature to do this quickly). When importing data in CiviCRM, simply have it ignore this last "Junk" column. In this way, every row in the CSV file will contain the same number of fields.

CiviCRM import, add a junk column

3. Importing Country and State values

This was a frustrating bug until I found a working method. Organizations that should be located in the United States were importing as "Iraq" or "Suriname". If a row being imported had a State or Province, then the Country value was being ignored, and the State of some other country was selected. I found to combat this error, you can place the Country column of your import file before the other address columns.

CiviCRM address columns

With these three odd peculiarities with the CiviCRM Import Contacts feature explained, hopefully this will help others who have similar errors. If it has helped you, or if you have some more tips, your comments are welcome.


Nothing works completely. I should start by saying that CS Cart has impressed me greatly, and it is probably the best shopping cart software I've used. The administrator area is simple and powerful, and the templates (skins) are relatively easy to customize.

Getting shopping cart software to run propertly for a business in Canada is aways difficult. It's a combination of little effort on the developer's part to make it built to work, and what looks like no time spent on testing.

CS Cart gets full points for making it straightforward to create tax rates for different locations - PST for the province, GST for federal taxes, and HST for those three provinces that require it currently (the number of provinces will increase in 2010).

CS Cart does not get full marks for the Canada Post shipping module in CS Cart version 2.0.8. It almost does the minimum required, but it has a bug. I think the Canada Post module is relatively new, so hopefullly this will be improved in the future.

For more than an hour, I was troubleshooting why it would correctly estimate shipping from Canada to Canada, but it would never estimate from Canada to the USA. It always came back with the error message, "Unfortunately no shipping options are available for your location". After digging through the code, I realized that:

  1. No matter where the customer was located, the CS Cart always asked for domestic shipping products from Canada Post, and
  2. After an hour of troubleshooting and debugging the AJAX enabled shipping estimator, and trying to decipher the session data used by the software, I was no where close to finding the root cause in the CS Cart code.

Having given up looking for the optimal solution, I just hardcoded a fix. The code below was added to the /shippings/can.php file at line 87 (the first line is included here as a reference). It shortcircuits the bad logic to correctly state "if the customer is in the USA, get shipping quotes for the Xpresspost USA product".

	list($header, $result) = fn_http_request('POST', '', $request);

    // Short circuit the code used, because it continues
    //  to use a Canadian shipping code for USA customers
    if($location['country'] == 'US')
      $code = '2030';
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When you need to understand a new database schema, making a model like this is a big help. I still like DBDesigner4 to get these simple models done. Yes, I know there's a much newer GUI program, MySQL Workbench, that could do a better job. One day I'll have time to test you again, Workbench. But for me, DBDesigner4 is a simple yet powerful tool.

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I have a short code snippet to share, if you want to do simple date calculations using the Smarty template engine. As a very short preamble, I've used Smarty off-and-on for eight years, and it's great. I find its simplicity and power outweigh bloated frameworks on a regular basis.

If you need the date for tomorrow, you can do it in two ways.

The first way is to create the variable in the "code behind", assign it to the template and then you can use it:


$smarty->assign('tomorrow', strtotime('+1 day'));

In Smarty template (or use a date format of your choice):


The second way is done in the template alone. This is useful if you did not, or did not want to, assign a variable in the code behind. It is also useful if you wanted to use multiple dates (tomorrow, the next day, next week, etc.), or you could even use it in a loop:

In Smarty template:

{math equation=x+y x=$ y=86400 assign=tomorrow}

This uses the UNIX timestamp value of $, and adds 86,400 seconds to it. Unfortunately you cannot easily add exactly one month - or one year - using this method because each month or year could have a different number of seconds in it.

In future, I plan to say a little more about Smarty and its virtues.


HTML5 and great expectations

It's a busy day full of chatter on the InterWeb about HTML 5 and its proposed features. "Could it kill Flash and Silverlight", as supposed by Paul Krill at InfoWorld?

One thing is certain: it is not vaporware. After a short search, I found this example implementing a coverflow-style animation from Adnan Osmani (nice work!!) If you have an HTML 5 compatible browser - it worked in my Firefox version 3.0.11 - then give it a try. It replicates the animation you'd previously require Flash to do.

My prediction is not can it kill Flash, but when will it kill Flash. Open standards, after gaining momentum, are unstoppable. I'm sure companies like Adobe realize this, and the newer Flash application software will just generate HTML 5 compatible elements. What provides a heavy anchor on progress is how slow users are to upgrade their web browser to be compatible with the new features.

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Today I was waiting for files to upload to the server in order to upgrade Drupal (in fact it is Acquia Drupal) and CiviCRM for Drupal, and while I was waiting I started writing this.

If you don't know what those software programs are, I will not explain here - you can go and read about them. What matters is they are web applications, meaning they run on a web server and you use them in your web browser.

Many computer users - hundreds of millions of them - have from time to time installed software or upgraded software on their own computers. On Microsoft Windows, Mac, and others it's a fairly painless procedure of clicking the "Next" button as you confirm some choices. The computer does some work, you may restart the computer, and 19 times out of 20 you're good to go. Web applications are not that simple.

The general process in upgrading web application software is:

  • Backup the files, and the database (basically backup every single thing you can find)
  • Delete the old files, which sometimes means all the files
  • Upload the new files
  • Upload the themes and customizations you had made to your system (sometimes this must be done after running upgrade scripts)
  • Run an upgrade script, to upgrade your database. Sometimes, it may even help you merge the customizations you made to templates and files, such as how phpBB3 does).
  • Add back all the customizations you may have done (if they were wiped out), and confirm everything is running correctly. You may use some tools to help you merge the new files with the ones you customized.

These usually require any combination of FTP, tar, gzip, zip, ssh, svn, SQL, Linux, and lots of specific knowledge to debug problems that may arise. There's typically no one click install, and if there is, it may work correctly 2 out of 3 times.

The web application software, through its available functions and possible customizations, are very complex. I dread having to upgrade the software because of the possible headaches that arise. But, I don't think it should necessarily any easier to upgrade it. Making it easier would lower the bar of expertise required to upgrade the software, and lowering that bar makes those who should not be upgrading the software themselves to think "it's not that hard, why don't I do it myself".

Unfortunately having a difficult upgrade process causes a steep learning curve for software administrators, and ... it's probably really scary for many people. When a security update is released, they are dependent on hard to find experts to help them.

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